Please use this form to provide us with your Case Study Infomration
Case Study Submission
Your Details:
Name of YOUR company
Name of person filling in form:
The Product/Project featured in your case study:
Please provide your product/service brochures and sales letters
Accepted file types: jpeg, jpg, png, gif, pdf, zip, doc, Max. file size: 128 MB.
Your clients details (person we are interviewing):
Client contact we are to interview:
Photo of Client, Client contact:
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 128 MB.
High-resolution image of at least 1 MB in size.
Client's Office Phone
Client's Mobile Phone
Client's Office Email
Client's Office Website
How have you and your firm helped your client?
Describe the problem your client had that motivated them to call you:
What have you provided that has motivated your client to agree to this case study interview?
Describe how much money and time your client was losing and how your offer has improved their performance:
Three reasons why this project was a success
If you were telling a customer about this project, what would be the three main points in this job that stand you apart from your opposition?
1st reason this was project was a success:
2nd reason this was project was a success:
3rd reason this was project was a success:
Photos of this project
Drop files here or
Select files
Accepted file types: jpeg, jpg, png, gif, pdf, zip, Max. file size: 128 MB.
We need hi-res photos. Minimum file size 1MB
Key message this case study needs to promote
What is the one message you would like this case study to convey?
In sales, we often refer to the elevator pitch - in 30 seconds we tell a story that gives an example of what clients achieve working with us. A story that is so powerful that it motivates people to do business with us. So what is that one key message you would like a reader to take away having read this case study?
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